Spin launches a new gen scooter and expands to 100 cities and campuses

by Andie Wexler
November 20, 2022
Let’s start with the meaning of Holistic - which comes from the wellbeing approach in health, where the goal is to balance and integrate your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects all together.
When we incorporate this term to Interior Design, it applies to your surroundings, and how you can live a healthy, balanced, beautiful and prosperous life. This means, that when we create a design for a home, a space, etc. it takes into account several aspects of the living space, not just aesthetics and functionality.
Let me give you an example why your environment is SO important for your wellbeing: imagine you enter a building, all concrete, really tall, gray color and hard shiny surfaces everywhere. Almost nowhere to seat, metal accents and glass. It is cold. This is a place where you will probably feel separated, not comfortable and not wanting to stay for long. Now imagine, entering a building with a rug in the floor, some low seating comfortable sofas for the waiting area, where there’s no rug, there’s a wood floor, some warm colors bathe the space, and all lighting is a warm yellow. This will probably be a place where you want to stay longer, or wouldn’t mind waiting on someone. You would feel comfortable, and wouldn’t have the feeling of rushing out of the scene as in the first example.
These two scenarios show how decisions made when someone builds and creates a space, affects the user on a psychological level and mandates our interactions with the space.
Creating a Holistic Space or Home addresses your health, your environment, your relationships, your thinking, and much more as you make the connections between your space and yourself.
I want to make sure that you know where we are: having a holistic home or store, office or hotel, does not mean that you need to now have to design and decorate with only wood, mandalas, ying yang figures, and put crystals and buddhas everywhere, with whites and beiges covering your walls, furniture and fabrics. For a while I lived in a furnished apartment, where walls, furniture, napkins, everything was beige and white and IT WAS DRIVING ME CRAZY. The space we created has to also encompass the individuality of the user and express themselves.
Holistic Interior Design starts in a different way: as traditional interior design starts with the references and style selection by the client and suggestions by the designer, the Holistic approach starts with what goals, dreams, and spiritual thoughts your client wants to explore. What are your habits? What are your needs? How would you like to feel in each particular room? What would you like to express on a deeper level?
A home designed from a holistic approach is going to help you connect your identity, purpose and help your friends and family connect with each other in your home.
Holistic Interior Design should support and embrace your routines and rituals you create for your wellbeing, like having a space to meditate, have your altar, a yoga space, a living room without distractions for you to connect with your loved ones, spaces for different activities.
Beautiful designs nurture our minds and vision. Functional spaces with a seamless flow support our bodies and lifestyles. And the easiest way to lift the spirits is by creating tailor-made design concepts suited to both the space and its inhabitants, helping them express themselves on a higher level than just aesthetic preferences - Bojana Bajac
How can you incorporate some Holistic Design elements of ideas to your space?